
What is Lanluma?

What is Lanluma? What is Lanluma, and can it stimulate collagen for the body? Lanluma is an injectable collagen stimulator that uses high concentrations of Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) to activate your body’s natural collagen production. It is primarily used to restore volume and reduce wrinkles, making it a popular treatment for facial rejuvenation. However, Lanluma […]

Radiesse Fillers at Estelaza Clinic

Radiesse Fillers at Estelaza Clinic Radiesse is a popular injectable dermal filler known for its ability to reduce wrinkles and add volume to the skin, delivering natural-looking and long-lasting results. Unlike many other fillers, Radiesse works in two ways: it not only instantly smooths lines and folds but also stimulates the body’s natural collagen production […]

What is Melasma?

Understanding Melasma: A Chronic Skin Condition Melasma is a chronic skin condition characterized by brown to grayish-brown patches of hyperpigmentation, typically appearing on the face. It is especially common in individuals from Eastern countries, such as India and the Philippines. Causes of Melasma The exact cause of melasma remains unclear, but several factors contribute to its development:•Hormonal […]

What is Anti-wrinkle Injections?

What is Anti-wrinkle Injections? When is the Perfect Age to Start Anti-Wrinkle Injections? One of the most common questions I hear as a qualified injector is: “When should I start anti-wrinkle injections?” The truth is, there is no “one-size-fits-all” answer. The ideal time to start anti-wrinkle injections depends on a variety of factors unique to […]

What is Chemical Peel?

What is Chemical Peel? Chemical peels are a popular, non-invasive treatment that can refresh the skin and address a range of common skin concerns. What is a Chemical Peel?A chemical peel is a skin treatment that uses a special solution to gently remove the top layers of skin. This helps to reveal newer, fresher skin […]

What is Sculptra?

The Secret to natural collagen stimulation In the ever-evolving world of aesthetic treatments, Sculptra has gained significant attention as a highly effective solution for facial rejuvenation. Unlike traditional dermal fillers that work by adding volume directly, Sculptra is a unique treatment that stimulates your skin’s own collagen production, offering long-lasting and natural-looking results. Here’s everything […]

What is Eyebrow Lift?

What is Eyebrow Lift? To achieve an eyebrow lift using anti-wrinkle injections, we typically target two key muscles. The orbicularis oculi muscle, located around the eye, pulls the outer part of the eyebrow downward when it contracts. By relaxing this muscle, we can release the downward pull and gently lift the eyebrow. If additional lift […]

ما هي إبرة السالمون؟

ما هي إبرة السالمون؟ ‎ابره السالمون عباره عن  (DNA )علاج تجميلي يستخدم **النوكليوتيدات المتعددة  المستخرجة من الحمض النووي للحيوانات المنوية في السلمون.  ‎من المعروف أن هذه النيوكليوتيدات المتعددة تحفز الخلايا الليفية(fibroblast )، وهي الخلايا المسؤولة عن إنتاج الكولاجين، مما يساعد على تحسين نسيج الجلد وترطيبه ويقلل من التجاعيد والخطوط الدقيق.‎تعمل بروتيناتها التصليحية وحمض الهيالورونيك على ترطيب البشرة […]

What is Salmon DNA?

What is Salmon DNA Therapy? Salmon DNA Therapy is a cosmetic treatment that utilizes multiple nucleotides extracted from salmon sperm DNA. It is known that these multiple nucleotides stimulate fibroblasts, which are the cells responsible for collagen production. This helps improve skin texture, hydration, and reduces wrinkles and fine lines. Its reparative proteins and hyaluronic acid […]

مركبات موجودة في روتين غسولك اليومي قد تزيد من جفاف بشرتك

مركبات موجودة في روتين غسولك اليومي قد تزيد من جفاف بشرتك ‎خمس مركبات تزيد من جفاف بشرتج اذا كانت موجودة في غسولج وروتينج اليومي‎ بشرتج جافة ؟ حاسة ان فيها احمرار ، تحسين بتهيج ومتضايقة ، اعرف الموضوع مب سهل .. تعالوا نتثقف قبل ماتروحين الصيدلية وتشترين الغسول وانتي مب عارفة اذا بيناسبج او لا […]